Terms And Conditions

  1. DISPATCH PERIOD: 30 to 45 days after receiving confirmed Purchase Order & advance.
    We will try our level best to adhere to stipulated period subject to force major clause.
  2. CANCELLATION OF ORDER: As our products are specially manufactured against customers’ requirements, this order confirmation will not be varied or cancelled without our written consent. The PURCHASE is not at liberty to cancel the order arbitrarily .The cancellation has to be mutually agreed between the MANUFACTURER and the PURCHASER. The cancellation charges would be deducted from the advance at the following rates (A) 0 to 7 days -20% of the order value (B) 07 to 15 days – 30% of the order value.
  3. PAYMENT: For all orders our payment terms are as per following schedule:- 100% of the basic order value along with the techno-commercial clear purchase order as advance.100% payment along with 100% Taxes, Duties, Packing and Forwarding, Transportation charges (if any) against Performa invoice prior to dispatch of goods after completion of inspection at our works.